Safety & Care

Read all safety and care instructions prior to use of the BodySport® Fitness Ball. Use of any products described may cause serious injury when not used properly.


  • DO NOT use your BodySport® Fitness Ball until you have read and understand all of the instructions for use and safety warnings, including those on our website.
  • There are inherent risks with any exercise program. Consult your health care professional before beginning any exercise program or using your ball.
  • All fitness balls are manufactured in accordance with strict quality controls; however, care is required by the user to prevent damage. Proper ball maintenance is required to ensure the integrity of the product.
  • Fitness balls have been tested to perform when correctly inflated.
  • Prior to use, follow the inflation instructions included with the ball.
  • Do not overinflate the ball; doing so will violate manufacturer specifications and may compromise the ball’s integrity.
  • Do not use or store the ball near heat sources, including sunlight, heaters, fireplaces, and similar heat sources.
  • BodySport® does not recommend using hand weights while exercising with a fitness ball.
  • Before each use, inspect the ball thoroughly for any cuts, nicks, scrapes, tears, or defects. If you encounter any physical sign of damage, stop use of the ball immediately and discard.
  • Do not attempt to repair or patch a damaged ball.
  • This product should be used under adult supervision. It is not a toy. Consult your physician before allowing children to use the ball.
  • Users with impaired judgement or physical limitations should be supervised at all times when using any fitness ball.
  • Remove all sharp or pointed objects from your person or workout area before use.
  • Avoid using the ball near any furniture or fixtures that may cause injury.
  • Proper balance and body alignment are essential to exercising with fitness balls. Talk to your health care professional or refer to exercise descriptions for proper use.
  • There is a risk of falling while exercising with a fitness ball as the user may be elevated while the ball is in use. Protect against falls by performing exercises slowly and with control to maintain position on the ball.
  • BodySport® recommends using the ball on soft material surfaces; avoid use on hard surfaces like tiles and cement.
  • Ensure you are using the correct ball for your height. Please refer to specific height chart on our website and product instructions for use.
  • BodySport® assumes no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of using any product not in accordance with all stated precautions, including those on our website. User assumes any and all risk when using any of the BodySport® fitness balls. The manufacturer shall not be liable for any personal injuries or damages that may result from use of the ball.
  • NOTE: Slow Release Fitness Balls can burst.


  • Before each use, inspect the ball thoroughly for any cuts, nicks, scrapes, tears, or defects. If you encounter any physical sign of damage, stop use of the ball immediately and discard.
  • Do not attempt to repair or patch a damaged ball. BodySport® recommends frequent inspection and replacement, especially in situations where use is high.
  • Locate the markings on the ball to record the date the ball was first put into use.
  • BodySport® recommends using the ball for a maximum of one (1) year before replacing. Earlier replacement may be recommended depending on frequency of use.
  • Clean balls with warm water and a soft cloth; do not use harsh chemical cleaners as they may damage the ball.
  • Do not expose the ball to abrasive or rough surfaces.
  • Remove all sharp or pointed objects from your person or workout area before use.

Best Practices: Exercise Tips

  • If you have any increase in discomfort, dizziness, trouble breathing, or begin to feel sick while exercising, stop exercising immediately and contact your healthcare provider.
  • As with any exercise program, muscle soreness may be experienced over the first few days. If discomfort should persist, consult your health care provider. Do not exercise while experiencing discomfort.
  • For standing exercises, balance and body alignment are critical. Best practices are to square your shoulders, contract your abdominals, and bend the knees slightly to maintain balance at all times. Maintain the natural spinal curve to practice the safest posture possible. Consult a health care professional for proper exercise technique.
  • Avoid hyper-extending or over-flexing the joints when exercising; do not lock the joints.
  • Breathe evenly while performing these exercises; do not hold your breath at any time. Exhale during the more difficult phase of the repetition.
  • Perform all exercises in a slow, controlled manner; you should not feel “out of control” at any point.